Where you can find us
We're not just back west..
We're not just back west..
Dingle Peninsula
Louis Mulcahys Pottery
Ventry PO Siopa U Lúing
Tig Bhric
O Cathain Iasc Teo
Garveys Supervalu
My Boy Blue
Juice for Thought
Horans Healthfood Store
Manna Organics Store Tralee
The Cheese Shop
Avoca Molls Gap
KRD Fisheries
Ballymaloe Farm Shop
The Roughty Foodie at The English market.
Farmshop.ie in Douglas
Ardkeen Quality Food Store
Cúige Laighean
All Avoca food stores
The Fumbally Cafe
The Bakery by The CupCake Bloke in Rialto
All Avoca food stores
Natures Gold Greystones
The Old Yard Castledermot
The Little Green Grocer
Woodlands Farm Shop
Cúige Chonnacht
Kates Kitchen
Cúige Uladh
Indie Fude (Comber & Ormeau)
Grattan’s Family Greengrocers
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